Louisa Kelley

Fantastical Tales of Uncommon Romance

Dearest Readers, Dragon Lovers, Fantasy Fans…

A few kudos for Nareen of the Draca worth mentioning! You could practically hear my jaw hitting the ground when I casually opened the email link to the awesome ‘Love Romances Cafe” yahoo group that said: 2013 Nominees for Best Paranormal/Fantasy Are… And there was Nareen of the Draca, right at the top! I am thrilled to be a nominee. I mean winning would be great, but hey. The nomination alone made my day. Check out the cool ‘button’ they sent me:

Masquerade mask, beads and feather in sepia

Additionally, I was a featured author on Dawn’s Reading Nook. Dawn is an amazing powerhouse of an internet romance presence. She not only co manages the Love Romance Cafe site, she has her own active blog. I was privileged to be featured on 1/17/14. Here’s the link:


And finally, Long and Short Reviews gave Nareen a 4 star review! 


Nareen is rocking it. Yeah!