This dragon is being reborn darlings! I’ve found a spectacular new home with the publisher Dirt Road Books, and I’m off on a kick-ass journey into Draca, once again. Stay tuned for FIANNA THE GOLD, coming sometime late 2018 or early 2019. Book One of the...
Autumn is dripping into wet reality and the paranormal creatures of Portland are stirring. Time for new hiding places! Narrow, green eyes peer out from under soggy piles. Summer sanctuaries are exposed as boughs once laden with thick foliage hang bare. Creatures...
I’ve been enjoying the opportunities that have come my way recently to blog about various writerly topics on multiple sites. Words are powerful tools! Last week, I posted a piece on the fabulous romance site: “Romance Books ‘4’ Us” that...
Coming in May! “Unbidden Dragon.” The latest saga of those lusty, gorgeous shape-shifting dragons called the Draca- a hot, fantastical story with a special, tasty twist. In this book, our characters discover again why the shape-shifting dragons believe:...